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Garden Centres & Nurseries in Rotorua - Bay of Plenty
6 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Garden Centres & Nurseries’ in their name?
(07) 348 9010
147 Sala Street, Rotorua, Rotorua
Why Palmers? The Palmers promise! Our plants are the finest quality we will replace if they fail to grow. Over 50 years growing experience... Palmers is New Zealand's foremost garden retail chain with stores throughout the...
View full details for Palmers Gardenworld Rotorua
View full details for Palmers Gardenworld Rotorua
92 Fairy Springs Road, Rotorua, Rotorua
(07) 348 4801
Native plants for the garden - trees for the farm. We grow and sell a wide range of native plants - groundcovers, grasses, flaxes, shrubs, trees. Also - a selection of non-native trees, including evergreens (Acacia, Eucalyptus...
View full details for Greenridge Nursery
View full details for Greenridge Nursery
403 Hamurana Road, Awahou, Rotorua
Te Ngae Junction
104 State Highway 30, , Rotorua
104 State Highway 30, , Rotorua