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Burgers in Otago
49 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Burgers’ in their name?
130 King Edward Street, South Dunedin, Dunedin
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(03) 456 4050
380 George Street, Dunedin, Otago
(03) 477 1628
42 Shotover Street, Queenstown Town Centre
Legendary Central Otago hamburger bar located in central Queenstown.
There's no getting past Fergburger when visiting Queenstown, it's all anyone eats and with good reason. The burgers are ridiculously massive and mothwateringly...
View full details for Fergburger
View full details for Fergburger
(03) 441 1232
225 Main South Road, Green Island, Dunedin
(03) 4881 785