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Schools in Wellington
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Johnstone Street, Masterton, Masterton
2nd Floor, Departmental Buildings
Chapel Street, , Masterton
Chapel Street, , Masterton
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(06) 370 3528
Ngarara Road, Waikanae, Kapiti Coast
"A Real KIWI Nature Experience" 15Ha of lowland native bush and wildlife ponds. Kiwi house, Tuatara, Morepork, Native plants & wildlife. Educational displays, picnic areas, duck feeding. Eel feeding 2pm Daily. Resource material...
View full details for Nga Manu Nature Reserve
View full details for Nga Manu Nature Reserve
38 Park Road, Miramar, Wellington
86 Wyndrum Avenue, Fairfield, Lower Hutt
The Open Polytechnic is New Zealand's leading and only specialist provider of open learning. We can help you or your staff gain competence in the latest hardware and software operations without having to attend classes. The...
View full details for The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
View full details for The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
50 Nicholson Road, Khandallah, Wellington