You searched
Legal in Wellington Central
271 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Legal’ in their name?
Level 1,
50-52 Willis Street, Lambton, Wellington
50-52 Willis Street, Lambton, Wellington
Ideafour is a unique intellectual property company that also offers branding services for small to multinational businesses who require clever patent and trade mark protection and unique branding for their services and products...
View full details for Ideafour :: Intellectual Property
View full details for Ideafour :: Intellectual Property
Level 8,
Prime Property House
2 Woodward Street, Wellington Central
2 Woodward Street, Wellington Central

IntegrityWorks is an employment expert- we help small business with all stages of employment- advertising for the right person for the job, selecting the right person for the job!
More about IntegrityWorks Ltd
More about IntegrityWorks Ltd
Level 3,
NZMA House
26 The Terrace, Wellington Central, Wellington
26 The Terrace, Wellington Central, Wellington
Agriculture House
12 Johnston Street, , Wellington
12 Johnston Street, , Wellington