5th July 2010 I would just like to say that our kohanga is very whanau orientated and I have found it very comfortable for my pepi and my whanau to be apart of. the kaimahi are very supportive of me, and I enjoy the secluded area for my pepi to be amongst while learning his heritage of te reo and tikanga.
Kia ora
5th July 2010 I would just like to say that our kohanga is very whanau orientated and I have found it very comfortable for my pepi and my whanau to be apart of. the kaimahi are very supportive of me, and I enjoy the secluded area for my pepi to be amongst while learning his heritage of te reo and tikanga.
Kia ora
I would just like to say that our kohanga is very whanau orientated and I have found it very comfortable for my pepi and my whanau to be apart of. the kaimahi are very supportive of me, and I enjoy the secluded area for my pepi to be amongst while learning his heritage of te reo and tikanga.
Kia ora