Sinclair Knight Merz is an international multidisciplinary consultancy employing over 5,000 people with offices across Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific, South East Asia, South America and Europe. We employ professional engineers, planners, economists, scientists, and project managers, along with a wide range of technical and administrative staff and have extensive experience in the planning, design, construction and management of major projects. Our activities cover all technology areas including power, minerals, environmental, transportation, structural, building and development, and mechanical and electrical engineering.
Sinclair Knight Merz is recognised for its level of innovation and quality, as demonstrated by the number of awards for excellence won in recent years. We actively encourage our employees to identify with our clients' problems and think more widely than the provision of conventional solutions. This innovative thinking is applied not only to technological issues but also to contractual and financial arrangements. We believe that our desire to seek innovative solutions assists our clients in achieving a highly successful outcome for their projects.
The company is employee-owned and we are committed to promoting sustainable and cost-effective solutions. The latest computer aided design and a nationally linked database together with specialised library, graphic design and printing facilities support the firm's skilled professionals and related technical specialists.
Our areas of practice include:
Buildings & Property
Water & Environment
Power & Industry