All Fair Dinkum buildings are Designed and Certified to meet the New Zealand Building Code and relevant New Zealand Standards.
Steel Connections Designed to Australian/New Zealand Standard(AS/NZS) 4100 and AS4600.
Cold Formed Steel Members Designed to AS/NZS4600.
All steel sections material is a minimum of 450MPa steel.
Hot Roller Steel Members Designed to AS/NZS4100.
Concrete designed to AS/NZS3600, and
Various other specialized components design to relevant standards.
With over 180,000 Buildings built in Australasia to this point you can have faith in the engineering and design conducted for your Fair Dinkum Shed.
Fair Dinkum distributors have exclusive access to the MultiPlan system through their MultiBuild Software.
This allows the distributor to request site specific AutoCAD prepared plans for an individual building in a turn around time of fewer than 3 minutes.
These plans have been prepared with the needs of New Zealand Councils in mind. However, as the standards imposed are different across the various territorial authorities these plans and certification documents can be customised to suit individual areas requirements and are constantly being updated.
You will be provided with:
A full set of site specific plans.
A detailed list of the components included in your building.
A set of instructions for your Fair Dinkum structure.
Engineering certification of the building, and
A full set of design calculations if required by your specific certifying authority.
Given our 15 year market leading position you can trust in the knowledge and experience of Fair Dinkum Homes and Sheds when it comes to council certifications.