BestStart Educare Ltd
78-80 Maich Road, Manurewa, Manukau City, Auckland
Physical address
Childcare with QUALIFIED TEACHERS who NURTURE CHILDREN in attractive learning places, enrol your child at NZ's leader in quality childcare. Happy Confident Learners. Find out more
(09) 269 0077
(09) 269 0077
(09) 267 6687
(09) 267 6687
Toll free
0508 237878272
0508 237878272


Review BestStart Educare Ltd


Parent Voice: We believe this smooth transition is a result of the high standard of care he receives from his immediate teachers in his pre-school room and is a credit to the centre's management in employing these teachers. All correspondence relating to activities within the centre and/or general information is cleared relayed to us, which is all we ask In closing, we believe ABC Manurewa is very well managed and would recommend it to anyone looking for a quality childcare centre.