Stephen Briggs Registered Osteopath

 based on 1 review(s)
Telephone (06) 844 2557

* * * * *
26th August 2009
One of the two best Osteopaths I have ever visited (and there have been a lot all over the world) the other is John Prescott in Putney, London.

An osteapath who seems to really know what he is doing and is not afraid of using a little force, therefor you leave feeling you have properly been reset. Does't pussyfoot around like so many other or pull out some hippy charms and start trying to do "faith healing".

Massages/warms your muscles before starting manipulation unlike most Chiropractors and some Osteopaths who dive straight in and charge you an hour for 20 minutes work.

The added bonus is (if you have a personality and find a laugh favourable) this guy is sure to keep you intertained. An absolute crackup, he is worth the comedy show alone.

Since I have been going to Stephen (and John Prescot in the UK) my visits per year have decreased overall and I feel much better for longer.
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Contact  Stephen Briggs Registered Osteopath
Telephone (06) 844 2557