Bikram yoga is a dynamic style of Hatha yoga performed in a heated environment. The demanding 26 postures and two breathing exercises have been designed in a specific order so the next leads on from the last. Every posture is performed twice to encourage depth without sacrificing form.
The heat & humidity warms up the whole body allowing you to work deep into the muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs and every cell in the body, helping to prevent injury. The heat also helps to detoxify the body through sweating.
Primarily Bikram yoga is an excellent preventive activity as well as a system that can reduce many symptoms of chronic ailments and diseases.
A wide and diverse cross-section of society already practises Bikram yoga. This includes but is not limited to anyone who wants to see a huge improvement in weight loss, muscle tone, health, stress levels, sleep, concentration and over-all well-being.
The class is designed for all levels, whether a first-timer or an advanced practitioner. No matter where a Bikram yoga class is taken anywhere in the world the sequencing is exactly the same, taught by a Bikram trained instructor.
Every single person will receive benefit no matter what their condition, as long as they do the asana (posture) the correct way.
A 90 minute yoga workout consisting of 26 postures, done in a heated studio.
Ecotanka drink bottles
Yoga mats
Bikram Choudhury book and cd
Towel & mat rental