Puremotion, Superb reclining chairs crafted in New Zealand with care and refinement. With the Puremotion range every facet of design and construction has been honed to deliver unadulterated relaxation. The reclining back means you can go right back to a near horizontal position. And, as there is no footstool or clunky base, the range is incredibly versatile for all types of home use.
These chairs employ a sophisticated, easy to use adjustment system with a unique retractable footrest - one that completely disappears when closed. While the mechanisms are sourced internationally, every other part of the chair is proudly designed and constructed in New Zealand.
The performance measures of these chairs are second to none. No shortcuts are taken in their construction and only the finest leathers and fabrics are offered. With this range of materials every model can personalized to your specific requirements.
Despite this variation, each model has a specific design ethos. It's another reason why the range has been described as ~modern classics. That's because, as trends come and go over the years to come, these chairs will continue to set the right tone and work to the right standard.
With this range you won't realise how much room you've got until you sit down. Then you'll understand how superior luxury can deliver total ease, and how a pitch-perfect look can redefine a room. Then, quite simply, you won't want to leave.
That's pure style, comfort and versatility. That's Puremotion.
Recliner chairs motorised and manually operated.