Homoepathy is a system of medicine, which was founded by the German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann in 1790. There has been a lot of work in the development of Homeopathy in the past 200 years, in that now we have over 3000 remedies.
Homeopathy recognises and works with your body's natural healing abilities. Homeopathy strengthens and balances your immune system, making you less susceptible to disease, better able to recover from ill health, and more resilient to the stresses of daily life.
Homeopathy is a gentle yet powerful system of energy medicine that works by stimulating your body's natural healing abilities. This natural, safe and effective system of medicine has stood the test of time. It is widely practised throughout the world.
Homeopathy treats the person as an individual rather than a disease label. In order to find your specific remedy we will need to know what makes you unique and how your illness affects you. We will cover many areas, medical history of