Child Hope Children's Charitable Trust was formed in 1999 by a dedicated group of Cantabrians who were aware that more is needed to be done for the children that fall through the cracks in our community. Our main aim is to provide financial, material and moral support for children under the age of 20 years who are in need of care and assistance. The trusts goals are to put 100% of donations back into the community and to never turn down a genuine written application for help. The Head office is based in Christchurch, but we have helped children New Zealand wide.
Child Hope has extended the support and commitment it provides children through its wellness program: this program has three complementary strands:
1:Osteopathy: Provides structural alignment for the body.
2:Neuro Linguistic Programming: This shows children how to change the way they use their brain to get more of the results they want and less of what they don't want. It has proven positive outcomes in impro