The Industry Training Federation (ITF) is a membership-based organisation, representing Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) to government and working with agencies and sector groups to improve the policy for and delivery of industry skill development and workplace learning.
Industry training is all about meeting the skill needs of industry, helping people develop their careers and assisting New Zealand businesses and organisations to be more productive.
There are around 180,000 people involved in industry skill development and workplace learning every year. This is about a quarter of all people involved in tertiary education (all learning after school).
Around 35,000 businesses and organisations of all sizes are involved in industry skill development, working with 40 industry training organisations and a large number of education and training providers, including polytechnics and private training establishments (PTEs).
Industry skill development and workplace learning are organised by Industry Training Organisations (ITOs). ITOs are set up by industries, and recognised by government, and receive funding from both industry and government.
What do ITOs do?
Industry Training Organisations (ITOs):
* set national skill standards for their industry
provide information and advice to trainees and their employers
* develop appropriate education and training arrangements for their industry
* arrange training that is appropriate for their industry
* arrange for the assessment of trainees
* monitor of education and training quality
* provide leadership on behalf of industry on skill and training needs.