BODY Therapy - POSTURE Improvement - PERFORMANCE Acceleration.
Over the years, I have seen many different people for many different reasons. Typically I help people, who for one reason or another, have ongoing muscular pain or restriction which is limiting their ability to live their life to the full. This ranges from athletes trying to reach their peak, women with endometriosis, people with postural related problems and people who have restrictions from surgeries.
In our fast paced society, it seems increasingly hard to get the one-on-one attention that we expect & deserve. At INFINITY HEALTH, we take the time to listen & concentrate on you, and we will always endeavor to do the best we can for YOU.
Our programs are individually designed so that you will receive the specific treatment or service YOU need. We take pride in our abilities to develop a real understanding of what is happening for you and we consider many factors to be important including:
Your priorities
Your goals
Your posture
Your biomechanics
Your lifestyle
We aim to educate and assist you to understand your own body & biomechanics so that you can manage your own goals rather than become dependent on us. We will review, assess and monitor your progress as appropriate and work with you to achieve your goals.
Neuromuscular Therapy
Personalised Exercise Prescription
Sports Massage
Relaxation Massage
Postural & Biomechanical Assessment
Personal Training
Good Health
swiss balls
foam rollers