Lefthand NZ - Suppliers of left-handed products for left handed people; plus resources and information for parents and teachers of young lefty children.
We stock products such as GENUINE left-handed scissors, left-handed potato peelers, can openers, rulers, tape measures etc etc. Please visit our website for full details. Our website address is: http://www.lefthandnz.com
We specialize in providing information and teaching resources for parents and teachers of young LEFT-HANDED children. We always have in stock the correct LEFT-HANDED stationery equipment as well as our workbook for teaching young left handed children how to write correctly. These items help left handed children have a happier and more productive time at school.
Please visit our website TODAY if you are teaching - or if you have a young left-handed child in your care!!
"Little Lefty Set" - a left handed personalised stationery set for children (3 to 8 yrs)
A full range of LEFT-HANDED scissors, potato peelers, can openers, corkscrews, knives, kitchen and garden tools.
Books, workbooks and information. Teaching resources for parents with lefty children.
Business Hours
Open 24 hours a day