Pamapuria Store & Takeaways

Sh 1, Kaitaia, Far North, Northland
Physical address
Rd 2, Kaitaia, Far North, 0
Postal address
 based on 1 review(s)
Telephone (09) 408 4968
Fax (09) 408 3903

* * * 1/2
30th May 2011
An unexpected and hidden gem. The owners are most helpful and hospitable.

Takeaways are cooked with skill and pride.

As a venue for a wedding or similar occasion it has much to offer. A large, well-appointed room opens onto a wide verandah with steps down to the magnificent tranquil gardens.

Catering is done by the owners.

These words are quite inadequate to do it justice. Call in and see for yourself.

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Contact  Pamapuria Store & Takeaways
Telephone (09) 408 4968