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Indian Restaurants in Napier City
4 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Indian Restaurants’ in their name?
29 Carlyle Street, Napier City Centre, Napier
(06) 835 0314
79 Bridge Street, Ahuriri, Napier
Master of India takes you on a tasty exploration right to the very heart of Indian Cuisine. Which has the ability to provide a cosmopolitan melting pot of cuisine.
View full details for Master of India Tandoori Restaurant
View full details for Master of India Tandoori Restaurant
90 Tennyson Street, Napier City Centre, Napier
(06) 835 1560
24a Hastings Street, Napier South, Napier
Authentic Indian food in Napier. Winner of outstanding ethnic restaurant at the Hawke's Bay Hospitality Award 2013.
View full details for Indigo Napier
View full details for Indigo Napier