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Restaurants in Pipitea

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Servicing Pipitea
The Abel Tasman is the best choice for those who want to combine business with leisure in a relaxed way. It's perfectly positioned between the Terrace, Lambton Quay and Courtenay Place.
More about Abel Tasman Hotel Prime Hotels

Servicing Pipitea
The Awarded "Thai Select" from the Royal Thai Government restaurant has finally come to the Capital, none of the others have achieved this prestige recognition. Fully Licensed and Takeaways, BYO on Sunday and Monday!...
View full details for Thai Chefs Restaurant Wellington

Servicing Pipitea
A vibrant atmosphere & an innovative design concept, Monsoon Poon offers choices from the exotic flavours of India-South China-Vietnam-Thailand-the Philippines-Malaysia and Indonesia - all on one menu
View full details for Monsoon Poon Restaurant Wellington

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