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Schools in Dunedin City
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2 Arthur Street, Littlebourne, Dunedin
Set in the heart of Dunedin, Otago Boys' High School is one of New Zealand's premier schools for boys. The school and our boarding establishment enjoy a leading reputation for academic, cultural and sporting excellence. OBHS...
View full details for Otago Boys' High School
View full details for Otago Boys' High School
Mihiwaka Road, Heyward Point, Dunedin
43 Elm Row, Dunedin City Centre, Dunedin
2 Pilkington Street, Maori Hill, Dunedin
John McGlashan College is an integrated New Zealand Boys School, Year 7-13, secondary school for boys. Approximately 20 international students are enrolled each year. The roll comprises approximately 380 dayboys from Dunedin...
View full details for John McGlashan College
View full details for John McGlashan College
217 South Road, Caversham, Dunedin
135 Richardson Street, Saint Kilda, Dunedin
110 Melbourne Street, South Dunedin, Dunedin
30 A Albertson Avenue, Port Chalmers, Dunedin