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Sports in Taranaki
179 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Sports’ in their name?
Spotswood Primary School Hall
177 South Road, Spotswood, New Plymouth
177 South Road, Spotswood, New Plymouth
Providing traditional martial arts training in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere where children/adults can get fit, make new friends and learn about respect, discipline, integrity and self confidence.
View full details for Kung Fu School New Plymouth
View full details for Kung Fu School New Plymouth
Fish the rivers and coastline of Taranaki for Rainbow or Native Brown Trout or surfcast for Snapper, Trevally, Kahawai and Spotty Shark. If that doesn't satisfy you, try some claybird shooting, which is sure to get your adrenaline...
View full details for Taranaki Trouting and Clayshooting
View full details for Taranaki Trouting and Clayshooting
246 Katene Road, Normanby, South Taranaki
(06) 272 8039
1547 Surf Highway 45, RD 4, New Plymouth